Ihmor, Stefan; Duesterberg, Dirk.
Einsatz von FPGAs für die Ethernet-Echtzeit-kommunikation am Beispiel von Powerlink.
In: Proceedings of the SPS/IPC/DRIVES,
Nürnberg, Deutschland, November 2007
Ihmor, Stefan. Modeling and Automated Synthesis of Reconfugurable Interfaces. Dissertation. Universität Paderborn, Heinz Nixdorf Institut, Entwurf Paralleler Systeme, HNI-Verlagsschriftenreihe, ISBN: 978-3-939350-24-8, Paderborn, Band 205, Jan. 2006
Behler, Christian; Defo, Bertrand; Kouamo Sime, Michel; Loke, Tobias. Schnittstellensynthese - Modellierung / Optimierung / Codegenerierung. In: Rekonfigurierbare Schnittstellen, Band 2, Hardt, Wolfram; Ihmor, Stefan (Hrsg.), TUDpress, ISBN: 3-398863-63-3, Dresden, 2006
Ihmor, Stefan; Hardt, Wolfram. Synthesis of Communication Structures and Protocols in Distributed Embedded Systems. In: RSP, 16th International Workshop on Rapid System Prototyping, Montreal, Canada, 20. Apr. 2005, IEEE Computer Society Press
Ihmor, Stefan. Entwurf von Echtzeitschnittstellen am Beispiel interagierender Roboter. In: Rekonfigurierbare Schnittstellen, Wissenschaftliche Schriftenreihe: Eingebettete, selbstorganisierende Systeme, Band 1, S. 3-144, Hardt, Wolfram (Hrsg.), TUDpress, ISBN: 3-398863-37-4, Dresden, 2005
Ihmor, Stefan; Dittmann, Florian. Optimizing Interface Implementation Costs Using Runtime Reconfigurable Systems. In: Plaks, Toomas (Hrsg.) Proceedings of the 2005 International Conference on Engineering of Reconfigurable Systems and Algorithms (ERSA'05), S. 85-91, Monte Carlo Resort, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, 26. - 30. Jun. 2005
Ihmor, Stefan; Hardt, Wolfram. Runtime Reconfigurable Interfaces - The RTR-IFB Approach. International Journal of Embedded Systems (IJES), Inderscience Publisher, Issue 5/6(Article 1), 1. Sep. 2005
Ihmor, Stefan; Hardt, Wolfram. Runtime Reconfigurable Interfaces - The RTR-IFB Approach. In: Proceedings of the 11th Reconfigurable Architectures Workshop (RAW'04), IEEE Computer Society, Apr. 2004
Meisel, Andre; Visarius, Markus; Hardt, Wolfram; Ihmor, Stefan Self-Reconfiguration of Communication Interfaces. In: RSP, 15th International Workshop on Rapid System Prototyping, IEEE Computer Society Press, Mai 2004
Ihmor, Stefan; Bastos Jr., Nilson; Klein, Rafael Cardoso; Visarius, Markus; Hardt, Wolfram. Rapid Prototyping of Real-Time Communication - A Case Study: Interacting Robots. In: Proceedings of the 14th IEEE International Workshop on Rapid System Prototyping (RSP'03), IEEE Computer Society Press, Jun. 2003
Ihmor, Stefan; Visarius, Markus; Hardt, Wolfram. Modeling of Configurable HW/SW-Interfaces. In: Drechsler, Rolf (Hrsg.) RSS 2003, S. 51-60, Shaker Verlag, Feb. 2003
Visarius, Markus; Lessmann, Johannes; Amelunxen, Carsten; Ihmor, Stefan; Hardt, Wolfram. Initial IPQ Toolbox Implementation. TR-IPL-2003-01, IPL, Jan. 2003
Ihmor, Stefan; Visarius, Markus; Hardt, Wolfram. A Consistent Design Methodology for Configurable HW/SW-interfaces in Embedded Systems. In: Proceedings of the IFIP 17th World Computer Congress - TC10 Stream on Distributed and Parallel Embedded Systems, S. 237-246, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2002
Ihmor, Stefan; Visarius, Markus; Hardt, Wolfram. A Design Methodology for Application-specific Real-Time Interfaces. In: Proceedings of 2002 IEEE International Conference on Computer Design (ICCD): VLSI in Computers & Processors, IEEE International Conference on Computer Design, Freiburg, Germany, Sep. 2002
Visarius, Markus; Lessmann, Johannes; Ihmor, Stefan; Hardt, Wolfram. Validation of the Requirements on the IP Qualifying Format. TR-IPL-2002-01, IPL, Paderborn, Jan. 2002
Visarius, Markus; Hardt, Wolfram; Ihmor, Stefan; Lessmann, Johannes. IPQ Format: Concepts and Implementation. In: Proc. of the Int. Workshop of the MEDEA + Project A-511 ToolIP, Madrid, Spain, Jan. 2002
Visarius, Markus; Lessmann, Johannes; Ihmor, Stefan; Hardt, Wolfram. IP Qualifying Format. In: Poster Session of the German Workshop on Entwurfsplattformen komplexer angewandter Systeme und Schaltungen (EkompaSS), Bonn, Germany, Apr. 2002
Visarius, Markus; Lessmann, Johannes; Kelso, F.; Hardt, Wolfram; Amelunxen, Carsten; Scholand, A.; Ihmor, Stefan. Definition of the IPQ Format with Respect to Specialized Description Features. TR-IPL-2002-04, IPL, Paderborn, Aug. 2002
Schaaf, Martin; Visarius, Markus; Bergmann, Ralph; Maximini, Rainer; Spinelli, Marco; Lessmann, Johannes; Hardt, Wolfram; Ihmor, Stefan; Thronicke, Wolfgang; Franz, Jasmin; Tautz, Carsten; Traphöner, Ralph. IPCHL - A Description Language for Semantic IP Characterization. In: FDL 2002, Marseille, France, Sep. 2002
Visarius, Markus; Lessmann, Johannes; Ihmor, Stefan; Hardt, Wolfram. IPQ Format based Retrieval. In: MEDEA + Design Automation Conference - Demonstration and Poster Exhibition, Stresa, Italy, Okt. 2002
Visarius, Markus; Lessmann, Johannes; Ihmor, Stefan; Hardt, Wolfram; Thronicke, Wolfgang. Specification of a Toolbox for the IP Qualifying Format. TR-IPL-2002-03, IPL, Paderborn, Jan. 2002
Visarius, Markus; Lessmann, Johannes; Ihmor, Stefan; Hardt, Wolfram. Definition of the IP Qualifying Format. TR-IPL-2002-02, IPL, Paderborn, Jan. 2002
Hardt, Wolfram; Visarius, Markus; Ihmor, Stefan. Rapid Prototyping of Real-Time Interfaces. In: Field Programmable Logic (FPL) - Poster Session, Belfast, Northern Ireland, UK, Okt. 2001
Ihmor, Stefan. Entwurf von Echtzeitschnittstellen am Beispiel interagierender Roboter. Diplomarbeit, Universität Paderborn, 2001